A women's organisation has raised nearly £40,000 for more than 40 charities over the past three decades.

The Worcester Severn Inner Wheel Club has raised the money through fun and friendship in the 30 years since it was created.

Some of the charities the club has supported over the past 30 years are depicted on the tree that it is displaying as part of the Christmas Tree Festival held in Worcester Cathedral Cloisters.

The tree, donated by St Peter’s Garden Centre, is on display as part of the festival run by the Daisychain Benevolent Fund, which supports the preservation of health and the relief of sickness for children and young adults in the West Midlands.

Maggie Pearse, the Inner Wheel’s President for 2015 said: “We are delighted to be supporting this very worthwhile charity.

"It has been a pleasure to raise so much money over the years in the company of kind friends who are so generous with their time and money.”

The club this year will also support St Richard’s Hospice and the International ‘School in a Bag’ project.

In addition, each year, it also takes children from Regency High School in Worcester on a summer outing along with their carers and nurtures and cares for the school's garden all year round.

More information is available at innerwheel.co.uk