A FOND farewell has been bid to a couple who ran a city centre pub for more than 40 years.

Linda and Colin Griffin retired from the Swan with Two Nicks, New Street, on Thursday and said they were looking forward to a bit of time together – as well as not having to worry if a barrel was about to go out.

Mrs Griffin started working at the pub in 1972 and was joined by Mr Griffin a year later before they became licensees in 1975.

“We have clocked up over 40 years and can’t believe it ourselves.

“Firstly we would like to say a big thank you to all our staff and customers down the years, we have met and enjoyed the company of so many lovely people.

“We are looking forward to enjoying a bit of “us” time.

“To be able to relax, have a drink maybe, and not worry if the barrel is about to go or any of the other hundreds of tasks which needed to be looked after every day.”

When the couple started out, pub life, even in the city centre, meant teams and The Swan with Two Nicks boasted two crib teams, two pool teams, a darts team and two quiz teams, all of which meant they visited other hostelries, very often within walking distance, to play away games.

“That was a lot of sandwiches I can tell you!

“Sadly the city centre venues don’t seem to do these traditional pub games any more, although, thankfully they are still followed a bit further out from town.

“Also, there was Saturday and Sunday football teams and a netball team.

“Washing the football kits was a labour of love - well that is if love looks like mud and grass stains.”

Mrs Griffin, aged 66, said the sale of the pub had happened quickly and the couple have spent time looking back at old photographs from across the four decades.

“When we look back at photos there are so many where we are all togged up in fancy dress, seems like we couldn’t resist it.”

There have seen numerous fundraising nights and music has always been prominent with live bands from the beginning - at one point The Swan with Two Nicks was holding discos seven nights a week and three lunchtimes Go-go dancers, Miss Discotheque, Mr Knobbly Knees competitions and treasure hunts all took place over the years and the couple are proud the pub was the first to feature local female DJs Suzy and Twink.

In 2003, daughter Lucinda reinvented the upstairs restaurant bar to become the popular Lunar Cocktail Bar which remains today. Having both grown up in the pub, Lucinda took her degree at Loughborough and Caroline, the eldest daughter, gained a first from Manchester and her PhD.

The Green Room was revamped into Drummonds between 1987 and 1988 which Mrs Griffin admitted “must have been a nightmare for the builders”.

“Having no building knowledge at all I just expected them to “make it happen” and somehow they did.”

The room which was created was radically different and the couple believe it was probably the first café bar in Worcester, selling only lager and bottled beers from around the world - and a lot of it.

“We are fortunate that we have ridden out the recessions and come through electricity cut outs etc, when we had to scour the city for candles.

“I found one massive church candle at Jeynes in Tybridge Street and it cost me 75p, aghast at the price but we needed something to stand by the old ”sit up and beg” till.

“Not everything has been on a high, there has been a share of sadness and tragedy as well, we reflect sometimes on people we have known and lost, very often far too young, that’s the nature of pub life.”

The couple are now looking forward to spending more time with the family and seeing old friends but have some great memories from their time at The Swan with Two Nicks.

“Thanks to everyone, especially our loyal regulars.

“We may have retired from the Swan but we haven’t retired from life, but will now have a chance to catch up and meet up with many old friends and our family and the other things which we have plans to do.”