MOTORISTS heading towards one of Worcestershire's most popular landmarks will locate it easier now that new signage has been placed on the highways.

Broadway Tower has paid for updated tourism signage after the previous ones had become tired and dated. The signs are at 13 locations and include the new tower tourism symbol.

The works complete a wider project to improve signage information for road users in and around the Broadway area which included new boundary plates and direction and pedestrian signage for visitors.

Councillor John Smith, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways, said: "After listening to feedback we have worked in the Broadway area with local partners with the aim of improving the information to highway users in what is a very popular area for tourism. As part of Worcestershire County Council being 'open for business' we have been very happy to support Broadway Tower with this updated signage. We invite other tourism attractions and facilities to follow the application process for tourism signage which is on our website."