FOODBANK charity The Trussell Trust has received a grant of almost £750,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

The money will be used to provide extra services - such as debt, welfare and money advice, cookery classes and training courses - at foodbanks across the UK.

And the manager of Worcester's foodbank hopes his branch will benefit from the 'More Than Food' project.

Grahame Lucas said: "The whole concept is about filling gaps in current provision and finding ways to support people in crisis other than through food.

"In Worcester we have very much bought into the concept and are already providing debt counselling sessions.

"We have all sorts of other projects in the pipeline such as a job club, providing suits for job interviews, a scheme to tackle fuel poverty and advice on money management.

"But this will of course require more investment and bigger premises.

"We are very interested in working with the Trussell Trust to see how the Big Lottery Fund grant can bring benefit to the people of Worcester.

"Our aim is to work alongside and in partnership with existing services and, of course, we don't want to tread on anyone's toes.

"But there certainly is still plenty of need and plenty of gaps we can fill."

The 'More Than Food' initiative aims to tackle the root causes of crisis.

David McAuley, chief executive of the Trussell Trust, said: “We are incredibly grateful to the Big Lottery Fund for their generous support in enabling foodbanks to help families and individuals at the point of crisis to get back onto their feet more quickly. The funding couldn’t come at a better time.”

Lyn Cole, England grant making director at the Big Lottery Fund, said: “As Christmas approaches and most families look forward to exchanging presents and enjoying a turkey meal in the comforts of a warm home, unfortunately many people will be struggling simply to make ends meet.

"Our award to the Trussell Trust will help communities across England by not only providing access to emergency food relief but also advice on debt, welfare, housing and food preparation to help prevent repeated use of foodbanks.”