A SELF-EMPLOYED builder faces losing his livelihood after being banned from driving for 18 months.

Thomas Comely, aged 42, of Egdon, near Worcester, pleaded guilty to drink-driving at Worcester Magistrates Court on Friday (November 27).

He was caught behind the wheel with 74mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath on Sunday, November 8, in Bromyard Road, Worcester – the legal limit is 35mcg.

Adrian Jones, prosecuting, said: “At 5.30pm a white Ford Transit van was seen by police and it came to their attention because a rear, off-side light was defective.

“The vehicle also overshot the junction at some traffic lights.

“Officers stopped the van and spoke to the driver. In discussing matters they could smell alcohol on his breath.

"He gave a positive roadside test.”

Waleed Khan, defending, said: “From the outset Mr Comely accepted the seriousness of the incident and made early guilty pleas.

“He was at work and went to the pub with some colleagues. He had four pints but did not realise he was over the limit.

“When he drove home He was stopped because of a defective light, not because his driving was so bad.

“It was a routine stop and he was fully co-operative with officers.

“He apologises for his actions, which are going to cost him his livelihood as a self-employed builder.

“His wife is a nurse and they are both very upset. Mr Comely will become reliant on his wife.”

Magistrate David Shadwell, chairman of the bench, said: “We give you credit for your early guilty plea.”

He disqualified Comely from driving for 18 months and ordered him to pay a £110 fine, £135 court costs, £150 court charges and a £20 victim surcharge.