A GENEROUS gift has brightened the festive season for patients at St Richard's Hospice.

Webbs Garden Centre in Wychbold donated several Christmas trees to the Wildwood Drive centre in Worcester to be displayed all around its building.

Tricia Cavell, fundraising director at St Richard's Hospice, said: "This is a wonderful gift from Webbs, who are very generous supporters of St Richard’s throughout the year. It makes all the difference to patients and their families, helping them to enjoy the festive spirit of the season."

Ed Webb, chairman of Webbs, said: "As an independent family firm Webbs has always been at the heart of community life and has a long history of supporting local charities.

"We are delighted to help make Christmas special for the St Richard’s Hospice patients as well as adding to the festive spirit in Droitwich."

Staff at Webbs delivered large and small trees to deck the halls of the reception, Day Hospice, Snowdrop Centre, Sacred Space and In-patient Unit of the hospice at Wildwood Drive.

Patients, staff and volunteers began decorating the trees straight away when they arrived, giving the hospice a festive feel.

Meanwhile, visitors to Droitwich can also admire Webbs' trees in the High Street next to St Andrew’s Church and in Victoria Square.