ORGAN donors from Worcestershire are among those honoured as life-savers after their deaths.

A total of 25 people in Worcestershire and Warwickshire who gave the ultimate gift of life through organ donation have been honoured posthumously at an award ceremony in Warwick.

The Order of St John award for Organ Donation, run in conjunction with NHS Blood and Transplant, has been presented to the families and loved ones of those who saved and improved people’s lives through organ donation.

The private award ceremony was held at Old Shire Hall in Warwick on November 12 with the awards presented by Tim Cox Esq, Lord Lieutenant for Warwickshire, and Lady Hughes, Deputy Lieutenant for Worcestershire.

People recognised at the ceremony in Warwick included:

Simone Drinkwater from Broadway, who received the award on behalf of her mother Sandra Drinkwater, Richard Yates from Hartlebury, who received the award on behalf of his wife Joanne Yates, Carole Howard from Worcester, who received the award on behalf of her son Steven Howard and Colin Reeves from Pershore, who received the award on behalf of his son Matthew Reeves

Last year, between April 2014 and March 2015, the number of deceased organ donors in the UK dropped for the first time in 11 years.

Despite this fall, the Order of St John honours the 1,282 people in the UK who donated their organs after death, leading to thousands of patients' lives being saved or transformed. NHS Blood and Transplant is calling for others to be inspired by this selfless act.

The Reverend John Davis, chairman of Warwickshire and Worcestershire CPG said: “Organ donation can clearly save lives and it is also vitally important to say thank you to the families whose loved ones have already donated their organs to assist others.

“With around three people dying every day due to the shortage of organs, these donors and their families have carried out an inspirational act to help others to live.

Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: "We have been overwhelmed by the pride and experiences shared by the hundreds of families who have accepted the award on their loved one’s behalf."

To join the NHS Organ Donor Register visit or call 0300 123 2323.