WILD and windy weather failed to deter the hardy traders of Barnards Green when they held their Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday.

Despite some last-minute venue changes caused by the gusty weather, the event was a great success, with all the traders rallying round to make sure it could still go ahead.

Jane Knowles, owner of gift shop Just So and member of the traders' association, said: "It was brilliant! The children's magic show was packed each time and the double-decker play bus and disco dome were a great success.

"We have never had so many children come to visit Father Christmas and he had to send out for emergency top-ups from the elves."

"It was just such a lovely, friendly and happy atmosphere," said Carol Brooks from the Cheeseboard, who also helped to organise the event.

"The children really loved meeting Mickey Mouse and Minion Dave and even the grown-ups enjoyed a cuddle with PC Peeler."

Another hit was the classic car line-up, with a selection of vintage cars that drew admiring attention.

Mrs Knowles said: "We are raising funds for the Dementia Cafe which is run monthly by the Alzheimer's Society in Barnards Green Cricket Club. We are hoping to buy them an iPad which the group can use to play tunes that help to spark memories for the clients and can also be used to research resources for carers of dementia sufferers.

"So far we have raised £830 on the day of the extravaganza but the traders continue fund raising throughout December with their in-house competitions, so we are hoping to top the £1,000 mark."