A CHRISTMAS fayre helped raise money for a Worcester church and banish loneliness in the community.

The St Clement's Christmas Fayre at the church in Henwick Road, St John's, drew in the crowds between 10am and 2pm on Saturday.

Visitors were spoiled for choice with tea and coffee, cakes, a raffle, a tombola and a chance to pick up some bargains on the stalls.

Organiser Margaret Davis, a licensed reader at the church, said the money raised, which she hoped would be in the region of hundreds of pounds, would help the church, paying for repairs and maintenance.

However, she said the social side of the fayre was perhaps the most important aspect.

Mrs Davis said: "It provides fellowship for people who live on their own."

The 84-year-old said the fayre, like the coffee mornings every Saturday between 10am and noon, was a chance to reach out to people in the community, including those living in sheltered accommodation.

Most of the items used to raise the money have been donated to the church, items on the stalls given by parishoners.

The aim is to remove some of the pews so the church can be better used for various social activities by the community, something Mrs Davis says is 'in the pipeline'.

"If people only raise £1, it is £1 more than we had when we started. We're always grateful for any help we can get" Mrs Davis said.

The raffle featured 23 prizes including a top prize of £75 in cash (possible because of donated cash) and £50 for second prize. Third prize was a hamper. Other prizes included a knitted Father Christmas, chocolates and cosmetics.

Two tables were loaded with cakes, rapidly depleted by the visitors. People could also browse for clothes, books, toys and jewellery.

Mrs Davis, who also belongs to the Friends of St Clement's, said: "It all helps. It all encourages people to come through the door."