WHILE many Women's Institutes can boast decades-long histories, an up-and-coming Droitwich group is celebrating its third birthday this week.

The popular SPArkles WI was established in Droitwich during 2012 and has rapidly grown in size from 20 members to 42.

The group celebrated the milestone at its monthly meeting earlier this week, where Droitwich Company JK Cake Creations showed the members how to make festive creatures using sugar craft.

Helen Starks, president of SPArkles, said: "It feels like we have been going a long time, but it is only three years and it is great that we are still growing and people are still finding out about us.

"The Worcestershire Federation of WIs recognised that while there was a number of very good WIs in Droitwich, there was a gap for a slightly younger membership of women who had young families or who were working, and decided to see if there was enough interest to start another WI - and there certainly was.

"None of us who came along to the first meeting had ever been in a WI before. It was a steep learning curve but we have found our own way. It has been a bit nervous sometimes, we still feel very new."

Over the years the group have learned how to do CPR, morris dancing, crafts and were behind the yarn bombing of Droitwich's Vines Park during this year's Salt Fest.

And new members are joining the group at every meeting.

"What we may have to do next year is look for a new meeting place, because we are unfortunately outgrowing the Old Library," said Mrs Starks.

She continued to say: "When you come along to a WI meeting, you walk out with 30 new friends. It is a very supportive atmosphere as soon as you come in. It is just instant friends."

The WI is also taking part in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Andrews Church in Droitwich, along many other organisations from the town.

For more information visit sparkleswi.moonfruit.com