A THREE-year-old girl awaiting a life-changing operation has been given a national award from a baby and toddler swim school.

Georgie Gibbs, from St John's, Worcester, has been given a Water Babies Little Hero award which celebrates children with incredible accomplishments when it comes to the water.

Born prematurely and weighing just over 3lb, her parents noticed she was not developing normally as she grew and at 12 months she was diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.

Georgie’s muscles from the waist down are extremely tight, which limits her range of movement, and even changing her nappy is challenging.

She is unable to walk unaided and uses a wheelchair to get about, or a frame for short distances and the family hope a selective dorsal rhizotomy will help her walk unaided.

Georgie’s parents begun swimming lessons with Water Babies before her diagnosis.

Water Babies teacher Emma Sideway said: “Georgie absolutely amazes me with her sheer determination to keep up with the group, she can now kick her legs and, with support, walk across the wobble mat.

"Not only does Georgie’s ability amaze, she also has an unbelievable spirit and is constantly smiling.

"She thoroughly deserves this Little Heroes award and I couldn’t be more pleased that she has been selected.”

Paul Thompson, owner and founder of Water Babies added: “Georgie’s determination to succeed in the pool stood out for us and she is a very worthy winner.

"We have been taken aback by our Little Heroes and impressed with all the brave little splashers out there."

Georgie received a Little Heroes trophy and a prize bundle as well as featuring on Water Babies’ social media as an inspiration to other little swimmers.