AFTER a devastating house fire in St John's destroyed a father's Christmas presents for his son, Worcester News readers have rallied to help.

Dad Ian Jack said he felt "numb" after the fire tore through his new home on Monday evening destroying the structure as well as precious mementos and Christmas presents for nine-year-old son Noah.

Mr Jack had hoped to move into his new home in Henwick Avenue, St John's, Worcester, before Christmas but the fire has seriously damaged the terraced house.

Worcester News readers have since offered to buy his son new presents with reader Alan Feeney agreeing to collect them and hand them over to the 46-year-old.

Marsha Parkins wrote: "Rally round, lets get his son some Christmas presents, it's the least we can do, Worcester News please message me age of his son so I can find an appropriate gift and can you mediate between us?

"How about setting up a go fund me account, I'm sure he's still too numb to even think about these things but jump in the driving seat for him and take control for a lil bit at least try to get these guys a Christmas."

Mr Feeney replied: "A great idea Marsha. Let's do what humans do best; come together and help them out. Let us know details Worcester News and we will all do what we can."

Samantha Lavender also offered her support: "Like most people, financially I cannot do a lot.

"If you set up a just giving page or similar I will make a small donation.

"Equally depending on the age of his child/children I might be able to help. Have a boy of six rapidly growing might have clothes or toys that might help."

Roxanne Leonard posted to offer her support after facing a similar house fire last year: "Poor family! Me and my family last year had a house fire that gutted the upstairs of are home, loosing the most valuable things to like baby books and photos.

"I was extremely lucky in that I have fantastic neighbours/family that helped rally round for children's clothes, toys etc.

"I don't have alot but would love to help in some way to pay the favour back, I have a 9 year old son to.x"

Offers to buy Christmas presents quickly came flooding in and now Mr Feeney has offered to co-ordinate the collection for Mr Jacks' son.

Anyone wishing to donate can do so by calling Mr Feeney on 07949 382469 or by emailing