A CAMPAIGN to send a three-year-old to America for a life-changing operation has been blighted by bogus collectors.

Clare Gibbs, from St John's, said she was disappointed to learn of three occasions when people had claimed to be collecting for her daughter Georgie but the money has so far not materialised.

The family fear money meant to send her daughter, who has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, to America for a selective dorsal rhizotomy to help her walk unaided is instead lining the pockets of thieves.

Police have been made aware of the claims and Mrs Gibbs has asked supporters of the #HelpGeorgie campaign to check the Facebook page for up-and-coming official events.

There has been a groundswell of support from people in Worcester to help the family raise £60,000 and the family hope the very small number of fraudulent collectors will not put people off donating.

"I'm really disappointed if this is the case and I am sure the police will work very hard to make sure that any money meant for our little girl, goes to her.

"How could anyone do that? How could anyone do that to an innocent little child who desperately needs an operation.

"The support from people in Worcester has been amazing but we have almost been expecting this to happen.

"Christmas is coming up and money is tight.

"People go to desperate measures but it is just unfortunate that these desperate measures divert money away from charities or causes like ours."

The family along with campaign manager Liz Williams have been working tirelessly to co-ordinate charity events to make sure they can support people, offer publicity and also stop any fraudulent collections.

It follows a police warning that they had received reports of bogus charity collectors operating in Worcester - though they did not confirm to #HelpGeorgie whether it was connected to their fundraising.

Mrs Williams said: "We have had people reporting to us that people are collecting for Georgie without our knowledge but we haven't seen the money.

"Georgie is very emotive and what we don't want to do is scare genuine people from collecting or giving.

"These people are in the absolute minority.

"We don't want to clampdown on people's enthusiasm but we want to make sure people are safe and Georgie is not being taken advantage of."

Anyone with information about bogus collectors should contact police on 101 quoting incident 304S of Thursday, November 27.

People collecting for Georgie are asked to either contact the #HelpGeorgie team via facebook.com/groups/HelpGeorgie or call Mrs Gibbs on 07583 865461.

Up and coming fundraisers for #HelpGeorgie

TONIGHT (Thursday)

* 80s Music Quiz Night at The Bedwardine from 8pm. 1980s Fancy dress. £2 entry.


* Shave4Georgie at The Bell Inn, St John's from 7pm. Four men will take part - one to shave his head wax his legs and chest, two to wax legs and one dying his hair pink.

* Bid4Georgie at The Coventry Arms, Upton Snodsbury from 8pm.


* Beechwood House Garden Fayre, Bevere Green, Worcester from 1pm to 4pm.

* Race Night at The Brunswick Arms, Malvern Road, St John's, Worcester from 7pm. There will also be a disco and raffle with prizes including meal for two at the Holt Fleet, Norbury Theatre tickets for panto and family ticket to Cadbury World.