BAGS will be posted through Worcester letterboxes asking for donations to create food parcels for those in need this Christmas.

Three Worcester Rotary clubs will distribute the carrier bags on Sunday, December 6.

Rotarian Celia Gardner, who is co-ordinating the appeal, said: "Every year we distribute our special carrier bags and the following Sunday we go back to collect what people have so kindly donated.

"The people of Worcester have always supported this appeal magnificently in past years and we hope that once again they will feel able to help.

"We are looking for tins of fruit, meat, vegetables, fish etc as well as packet items please.”

The Rotarians will also be collecting at Asda St Martins on Friday, December 4.

On Saturday, December 5 they will also be out collecting money outside the Guildhall.

The cash will be used to top up the food parcels with any items that are needed.