IN the contest between dogs and cats, the nation has spoken - and it prefers dogs.

New research by Churchill Pet Insurance has revealed that almost half of UK adults prefer dogs over cats.

Just a quarter of people prefer cats over dogs and another quarter like both equally.

Controversially, nearly one in 10 do not like either dogs or cats.

In terms of personality traits, dogs are seen as loyal (77 per cent), protective (63 per cent), friendly (62 per cent) and loving (61 per cent).

Cats on the other hand are seen as territorial (54 per cent) and intelligent (54 per cent) but also independent thinkers (49 per cent) and aloof (43 per cent).

The preference for dogs over cats is consistent across gender, although men like them slightly more than women - 48 per cent versus 41 per cent.

On a regional basis, those living in Belfast and Newcastle like dogs the most. Meanwhile those living in southern cities were the closest in choosing between dogs and cats, as just eight per cent more people living in Plymouth and 11 per cent more living in Brighton preferred dogs to cats.

Dan Streets, Churchill Pet Insurance manager, said: “We are officially a nation of dog lovers - a preference which transcends age, gender and location.

"Our friendly pooches give us unconditional love and protection, so have earned the top spot as our loyal companion.

"It’s not all doom and gloom for cats though, as our research clearly shows that many see them as the pet of choice, as their independent thinking and intelligence in looking after themselves means they are often the perfect pet.”