SIX sheep have been killed and four others were so badly wounded they have had to be shot following a disturbing incident in Tenbury.

The incident, which follows another at St Michaels, near Tenbury Wells, took place at a farm in Hanley William, also near Tenbury Wells.

In the early hours of Sunday morning six other sheep have been killed and four others were found in such a bad way they have had to be shot.

It looks like a dog or dogs may have done this according to the information supplied by Neighbourhood Watch.

It is approximately eight miles between the two locations but cross-country this could be as little as five or six miles.

If you have any information relevant to this incident or see dogs running loose either call ‘101’ and quote the above incident number or call the Malvern Hills District Council Dog Warden.

The force incident number is 0200S 301115 for the purposes of reporting any incidents.