A SPATE of raids on cars in the same Malvern street have been reported.

Several unlocked cars have been entered in Duke of Edinburgh Way in Malvern between Saturday and Tuesday.

Two vehicles were entered between 10pm on Sunday (November 29) and 07.30am on Tuesday.

They were parked on a driveway in Duke of Edinburgh Way, Malvern. Items were stolen and £75 in cash.

A door key left in the insecure car was also used to try and gain entry to the house.

Those with information relevant to this incident can call West Mercia Police on ‘101’ and quote force incident number 0136S 301115 or crime number 22CC/86889U/15.

This offence is being linked to crime reference 061S 30115

and force incident number 0444S 301115/crime number 22CC/86947G/15.

Between noon on Saturday and 7.30am on Monday a person or persons have been into an unlocked car parked on the road outside another house in Duke of Edinburgh Way.

An untidy search of the car has been carried out but it appears no items have been stolen.

It is also being linked to force incident number 0478S 301115/crime number 22CC/86975M/15.

Between 11pm on Sunday and 8.40am on Monday a person or persons have been into two unlocked cars parked on the road outside another house in Duke of Edinburgh Way, Malvern.

An untidy search of the car has been done and a Sat Nav worth £90 stolen along with £5 in cash.

Police are appealing for witnesses.

If you have any information relevant to any of these incidents call ‘101’ and quote the above incident or crime number.