With the international campaign against domestic abuse and sexual violence now underway, West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre takes a look at one of a number of harrowing true stories from local survivors who have witnessed violence and abuse.

Peter was sexually abused by a family friend, another boy who was slightly older than him. Their parents were friends and both families spent time together, sometimes going out on day trips, other times at each other’s houses. The abuse started with sexual touching and progressed to anal rape. It happened whilst his parents were sitting downstairs, talking to the abusers parents.

Peter said : “It happened every week while our mums chatted downstairs. I thought it was normal, he would let me play with his Star Wars toys, he made it a fun time, like we were friends. I was only little, I didn’t understand what was happening to me, I just knew it really hurt. As I got older I knew it was wrong. I thought I must have done something wrong, it was my fault and I felt dirty and contaminated. I never told anyone at the time. I couldn’t.”

West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre – or WMRSASC – supports people like Peter, survivors of any form of rape and or sexual violence, abuse or exploitation across Worcestershire. In 2015/16 the Centre worked with 921 clients throughout the county who accessed face to face support with its Independent Sexual Violence Advisory service or its counselling service and ensured a further 1146 survivors accessed support through its helpline.

Jocelyn Anderson, Chief Officer at WMRSASC explained : “The NSPCC report that 1 in 20 children in the UK are sexually abused before they are sixteen years old. 1 in 3 – like Peter - won’t tell anyone; speaking up is difficult, being believed is vital. By sharing such stories as Peter’s we hope it may allow other people to come forward and not suffer in silence.”

Now in his 30s, Peter still takes anti-depressants and has regular nightmares. However, with the support of the Centre, he is working towards becoming happier, more confident and learning to enjoy fatherhood.

WMRSASC believes that all survivors of sexual abuse should be able to access the support they need, when they need it, for as long as they need it. Providing specialist support services for survivors its valuable work helps survivors like Peter; importantly, it opened up its counselling service on 5 October to all survivors aged 11+, regardless of gender.

Peter’s story is timely as it comes at a time when The Worcestershire Forum Against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence is spearheading the national White Ribbon campaign locally; committed to helping and supporting men, women and children affected by domestic abuse and promoting healthy and respectful relationships, The Forum is encouraging residents throughout the county to say no to all forms of abusive relationships during the campaign. Entitled The 16 Days of Action, the campaign was launched globally on Wednesday 25 November and will run until Thursday10 December.

Martin Lakeman, Strategic Co-ordinator for The Forum said : “It is down to expert organisations like West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre that can make all the difference in helping abuse victims turn their lives around and become survivors.”

“During The 16 Days of Action we are keen to promote the help and advice that is available in Worcestershire. Nobody should suffer in silence.”

If you're in need of help and support either call the Worcestershire 24 hour domestic abuse helpline on 0800 980 3331 (for both men and women) or Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre's Helpline on 01905 724514.
