DRIVING test examiners in Worcester have formed a picket line as strike action gets underway over working hours.

Examiners are currently picketing outside Worcester Driving Test Centre, Stanier Road, Warndon Business Park as part of national strike action.

They have been handing out leaflets explaining that the strike was to "defend road safety".

The industrial action comes amid a row between the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) about changes to working times and conditions.

Members of the PCS said the changes, which would require extra tests to be carried out, would make their jobs more dangerous as many tests would be taking place in the dark or in unsuitable conditions.

They say more staff will be required to work unpaid in their own time to keep up with a growing work load, and point out examiners are already carrying out seven exams a day so being required to do extra would be "disastrous".

One driving examiner, who asked not to be named, said the response to the strike in Worcester has been overwhelming.

"We have had plenty of support from passing public and driving instructors who are coming to the centre with their test candidates only to be turned away and having to have there test's rebooked.

"This cause is in regards to our concerns over defending road safety and terms and conditions for examiner's.

"DVSA is putting pressure on our members to accept new working patterns which could mean testing in the dark without agreement, which could put test candidates and examiners in danger and they are threatening to discipline staff who don't carry this out by cutting their pay."

DVSA chief executive, Paul Satoor, said: “We are doing everything we can to minimise disruption to customers.

"Staff signed up to a new standard employment contract in April 2014 in exchange for a lump-sum payment and a three year pay deal.

"This was agreed with the trade unions, and included transitional payments which came to an end on November 1.

"It is disappointing that the trade unions have now chosen to oppose some aspects of the contract and the more flexible working options.”

Gov.uk advice to driving test candidates

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) is doing all it can to make sure that tests go ahead as planned.

Not all examiners are union members, and DVSA expects most driving test centres to operate as normal. You should turn up for your test as planned.

Changing your driving test date

You can change your test to another date if you want to.

You must give at least 3 clear working days’ notice to change your test date or you’ll have to pay again.

If your driving test is cancelled

DVSA will book a new test appointment for you automatically if there’s no examiner available for your test.

You’ll be rebooked for the earliest available date, and DVSA will send you the details of the new appointment.

Out-of-pocket expenses

You can claim out-of-pocket expenses if your test is cancelled, but you must have turned up for your test to be able to do this. If you don’t turn up, you’ll have to rebook your own test and won’t be able to claim expenses.

Theory tests

Theory tests aren’t affected by the strike action and will be taking place as planned.