A BRAND new service delivering online support to young people (11 and over) when a close family member is diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening illness has been officially launched by Herefordshire-based charity Hope Support Services and being rolled out in Worcestershire.

With a three-year package of funding from BBC Children in Need, Hope Online has been designed to enhance the much needed support already offered locally by the charity.

By removing geographical barriers and providing accessibility to its services, Hope is now able to offer vital support to young people right across the UK and is beginning its regional roll-out in Worcestershire.

While there are a variety of bereavement services offered nationally through charities, counselling services and hospices, there is limited pre-bereavement support.

Hope Support Services is the only charity in the UK currently offering national support from the moment of diagnosis and with the launch of Hope Online, it uses a range of ways including Facebook and Skype in order to be available, anytime.

Hope Online offers three distinct services for young people to engage with depending on level of need and age:

• ‘Suzie Hope’ which offers a private and confidential place where young people can share their worries, fears, hopes and success via private and confidential one-to-one support with a qualified, supportive adult.

• ‘We are Hope’ - a closed Facebook group offering a facilitated peer community that provides a private space in which young people can connect, chat and share with each other through their common experiences.

• Hope Online Information Sharing and Advice Services – home to a host of helpful information, young peoples’ stories, frequently asked questions and sign posts to other relevant support agencies.

Clare Thomas, chief executive officer of Hope Support Services, said: “When someone in the family is very ill, younger family members can find the uncertainty very hard to deal with. Studies show that their mental health and wellbeing can be damaged long before bereavement occurs and they can turn to very unhealthy coping mechanisms.

“The launch of Hope Online and its capability to widen the reach of our much needed support has been designed in recognition of the many ways that young people now prefer to communicate and in response to requests from young people and referral agencies across the UK.”

For more information about Hope Online, Hope Support Services and the support the charity offers, contact help@hopesupportservices.org.uk

Hope Support Services already supports over 80 young people through its online services and aims to increase the reach to over 500 young people by June 2018 by rolling out Hope Online.