YOUNG people from south Worcestershire are being given the chance to learn more about traditional countryside activities during a special day in Hanley Castle.

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation is holding an event to help youngsters watch and learn activities such as clay pigeon shooting, handling gun dogs, ferreting, falconry and fly fishing.

It is the first time the association has staged a Young Shot Activity Day in the county and 45 youngsters aged eight to 17 have already signed up for it on Wednesday May 30 at the South Worcestershire Shooting Ground, Pigeon House Farm, Hanley Castle.

Organiser Liz Lamb said the young people would have a chance to see demonstrations by the experts and then try their hands at the activities.

Although this event is fully booked, anyone interested in coming along can ring Miss Lamb on 01335 324507 and put their name on a reserve list.

She said a second activity day would be organised if there was enough interest.