MORE than 100 people have signed a petition campaigning for drivers to stick to their village's speed limit.

The petition, signed by people in Powick, was handed to Derek Prodger, Worcestershire County Council's cabinet member for environment, by councillor Tom Wells at the annual meeting.

Coun Wells told the chamber villagers were annoyed that motorists continued to break the 30mph speed limit on the A449 Worcester to Malvern road and they wanted something done about the problem.

He said: "About 24,000 vehicles drive through Powick every day and many of them totally disregard the 30mph limit, despite the traffic-calming measures already in place."

Speaking after the meeting, Coun Wells said the measures, including pinch points designed to narrow the carriageway and slow down cars, and a pelican crossing, which he campaigned for a number of years ago, were not enough to stop speeders. "We now need some form of enforcement or support to get drivers to obey the speed limit," he said.

"Drivers tear around the heart of the community without appreciation for people who live within the village."

He said he would ideally like to see some speed cameras which would deter drivers from breaking the limit.

"Failing that I think we would be pleased to see the installation of vehicle-activated speed signs which remind motorists to slow down through the village." Mr Wells believes one such sign would cost £3,000 and he felt it should be a top priority for the signs to go up to encourage motorists to drive more carefully.

He also thanked villager Jayne Burford for collecting the signatures and everyone who supported the campaign.

Coun Prodger said he had personally handed in the petition to environmental services.

He said he would also be raising the issue in a meeting next week and asking officers to look at the request. "Two months ago at cabinet I asked that all of the schools in the county should be reviewed for the speed limit to be reduced to a 20mph zone. This is for the safety of the pupils. So within this we will be reviewing Powick along with many other communities," he said.