The yobs who poured garden chemicals into a Kempsey swimming pool, tried to tow away a lamppost and dismantled an historic bridge must be laughing into their hoodies.

After a year of systematic vandalism that has turned this picturesque village into a demolition site, they're still at large, free to continue the wrecking spree that has left residents at their wits' end.

It's not surprising the people of Kempsey are frustrated at the police's lack of results.

Officers have pleaded with residents to be patient while they sort things out. But long-suffering Kempsey-ites have already waited a year for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and the destruction to end, to no avail.

True, there has been a brief lull, but now the yobs are back, and they're as brazen as ever.

The police admit their frustration when they say: "We make an arrest, go to Worcester police station and within 30 minutes they are back on the street."

But it seems to us that the force could use more of the powers at its command to defeat the vandals.

Anti-social behaviour orders and section 30 disposal orders seem to have worked well in other areas, such as St Peter's. Perhaps it's time more use was made of them in Kempsey.

A more visible presence would also help. If police and community support officers patrolled troublespots more regularly, surely it would limit the yobs' scope for action.

We realise that the police have a great many demands on their resources. But for the sake of the people of Kempsey, something must be done to bring these vandals to book - and soon.