ARE you employing the best shopworker, electrician, or secretary?

Now is the opportunity to give that person the accolade they deserve.

There is still time to enter the Employee of the Year Award that will honour Worcestershire and Herefordshire's finest worker.

The Chamber of Commerce Herefordshire and Worcestershire Employee of the Year Award, in conjunction with the Worcester News, is looking for that someone special.

And the winners will be chosen by the readers of the Worcester News.

Mike Ashton, chief executive, Chamber of Commerce Herefordshire and Worcestershire, said: "When we talk about business, what we're really talking about are people. It's the employees, the staff, who make a business tick.

Their skills, knowledge, experience, business acumen or their nose for a deal' make the difference between profit and loss.

"The Employee of the Year Award sponsored by the Worcester News in Worcestershire is your chance to recognise and reward the people who make a difference in your business."

The Employee of the Year award celebrates the drive, determination and ability of an employee - those who really make a difference.

They must have played an influential part in the success of the business by going beyond the call of duty.

Perhaps your colleague shows ambition and creativity in their approach together with a desire to succeed or excels againstall performance related objectives and targets?

Or perhaps they inspire colleagues and motivate others? They might get along with everybody and muck-in, or be a role model which others aspire to? Applicants must be nominated by their employer or a colleague and must have been in employment with the company for 12 months or more.

To make a nomination, fill out the entry form on www.hwchamberawards. com. Completed entry forms must be received by tomorrow. Shortlisted nominations from Herefordshire will appear in our sister paper, the Hereford Times.

A shortlist of two entrants will have their photos and a summary of their entry printed in the Worcester News.

Readers can then vote for their favourite. The winner will be announced at the a gala awards dinner on Thursday, June 21, at Worcester Rugby Club.

The search is also on for the best businesses from Worcester. The categories are:

* Business of the Year, sponsored by Business Link

* Entrepreneur of the Year, sponsored by Kingspan Insulation

* Most Promising New Business sponsored by the Rural Regeneration Zone;

* Award for Skills Development sponsored by the Learning and Skills Council

* Innovation through Technology Award sponsored by the Central Technology Belt

* Award for Business Commitment in the Community sponsored by Worcestershire County Council

* The Excellence in Tourism Award.

It's easy and free for businesses to enter by visiting and filling out the entry form.

The deadline for entries to reach the Chamber of Commerce Herefordshire and Worcestershire is Friday, May 25.