A TEENAGER has been sentenced to a 12-month community order with supervision after he stole a computer from a Worcester high school while he was drunk.

Aaron Marston has also been made to pay £650 compensation to Nunnery Wood High School, Spetchley Road, after he stole a computer from its science block in August last year. At a previous hearing, Marston denied burglary but changed his plea to guilty when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

Mark Soper, prosecuting, said the incident happened during the summer holidays on Thursday, August 24.

"He and two others entered the school and went into the science block," he said.

"He stole a personal computer and a mouse. A lot of these things were caught on CCTV."

Mr Soper said the CCTV footage was of good quality which helped to catch Marston taking the equipment from the school in bags.

"Certainly no mess was left," he said.

Marston, aged 19, of Westminster Road, Ronkswood, Worcester had been convicted of committing a similar offence in 2004.

In mitigation Paul Stanley said the burglary was not sophisticated.

"Aaron Marston accepts it is a late guilty plea," he said. "He was last in trouble two years ago. He is known to the youth offending team but not to the probation service."

Magistrates ordered Marston to pay £100 court costs. After the court case, Alun Williams, headteacher at Nunnery Wood High School, said: "I'm delighted that the security system within the school captured the incident.

"I would like to thank the police for their hard work and I hope that this will act as a deterrent for anybody else who might think of burgling not just our school but any school."