A TEENAGE girl was grabbed from behind as she walked home with a female friend.

The victim was un-hurt in the incident, which happened on a cycle path near Tay Avenue, St Peter's, Worcester at about 4.40pm on Tuesday.

Worcester Police have issued the description of - what is believed to be - a youth or young man who grabbed the girl.

He is described as aged between 17 and 18, of slim build and fairly tall, with mousey brown eyebrows.

He was wearing a thigh-length, baggy black duffle-coat with a peaked hood covering his hair, black - possibly school - trousers and black slip-on shoes.

If anyone recognises this description, or saw anything suspicious in the area at around the given times, is urged to contact police on 08457 444 888, quoting 580S/150507. Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 07800 555 111.