COUNTY council officers were not exactly word perfect when they put up this sign in Hylton Road, Worcester.

To spell it out, they missed a spelling error right in the centre.

The word centre has been spelt center - the American version.

But it also seems to have gone unnoticed by Worcester residents and visitors - the sign was put up three years ago!

Highways manager Jon Fraser said: "We have a computer package we use to design the signs and then we order them from a sign maker.

"The contractor has an arm that then goes out and puts them up.

"One of our technical officers does see it through the process. This is one that slipped through the net."

Mr Fraser estimated that the sign probably cost around £2,000 but it would be inexpensive to correct.

"I would like to say thanks for bringing it to our attention.

"We will get it put right and it won't cost a lot of money."

He said the county council would either stick a plate over the top with the correct spelling or it might be possible to swap around the letters which are white transfers stuck onto the green background.