WORCESTER MP Mike Foster has launched his very own Local Hero Award.

The Labour MP is on the hunt for people in the city whose contribution to the community merits greater appreciation.

The nominee that wins will receive a Local Hero Award - launched by Mr Foster and to be presented every six months.

This is the second award Mr Foster has donated, having given secondary schools in Worcester a citizenship award for pupils to go alongside other academic or sporting awards.

Mr Foster said: "My heroes are not film or football stars.

"They are the ordinary people who make a real contribution to our community; people who often go the extra mile or offer their services with a smile. These people are my heroes and they deserve to be recognised.

"I want local people to nominate their heroes, and then together we can celebrate the good work that they do for our city. I want the full range of local heroes to be considered for this community award.

"I have already received a great deal of interest in these awards, and I hope public involvement will grow over the years.

"Perhaps your local hero is a cleaner, bus driver, teacher, carer, nurse, or volunteer. The list is endless. Take a good look around you and let me know who you think should be considered and why."

People wishing to make a nomination should contact Mike Foster directly, by e-mail on fosterm@par liament.uk or write to Mike Foster MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

They should state who is being nominated and why.