ON the weekend commencing Thursday, April 12, a delegation from Kleve, including burgermeister Theo Brauer and his wife, and the chairman of the Partnerschaft, Karl Heinz Koster and his wife Gisela, visited Worcester to celebrate 20 years of twinning, the actual document being signed on April 14, 1987.

During their visit the following events took place: a reception in the Mayor's Parlour, a meal at the new Catholic church hall and a buffet lunch at Worcester Rowing Club.

It was a successful weekend and much appreciated by our friends from Germany.

On May 24 a combined party of twinners and Worcester Camera Club members will be visiting Vernon for the Festival of Cherries, our first visit.

This is the town where the Worcestershire Regiment fought to save a bridgehead over the River Seine in 1994.

The citizens have never forgotten this and erected a memorial to the men who fell. And so they are very keen to establish long-lasting links with Worcester. Visits have been arranged to local places of interest, including Monet's garden at Giverny.

About eight members will be making the annual visit to Le Vesinet for the Fete de la Marguerite from June 24.

Some social events that have been arranged include walks led by George Milton, Derek Starkey or Fred Stone on the following dates. There will be daytime walks on June 23, July 21, August 18 and September 1, whilst evening walks will be on June 13, July 21 and August 15. All details are obtainable from George Milton on 01905 424723. Nicki Neville-Lee will be having a cheese and wine party in July.

Music for a summer's evening will take place in the Guildhall on Saturday, June 9. For details, call Catherine Warren on 01905 355124.

Catherine is also our membership secretary and will be delighted to enrol you as a member or tell you about us. We really do need the citizens of Worcester to recognise what a fine organisation this is for spreading friendship and harmony to other nations.

We particularly need some younger members. So please ring and join us, for it really is good staying with and welcoming our continental friends.

We seem, at last, to be getting somewhere with road signs showing the names of our twin towns for I am informed that sponsors have been found for some of them but more are needed. FRED STONE