Thirteen members met to discuss the London AGM resolution, urging the Government to stop the closure of community hospitals.

Members were sorry there was only one resolution because of the pressure of work at the London office for past mandates. On the resolution there was uncertainty about what constituted a community hospital - also known as a primary health centre and, although there was no doubt about the essential service they provide, a minority wondered if better use could be made of resources when targeted hospitals were closed.

The resolution was passed on a majority vote.

Then a Worcestershire resolution, which had not made selection to national, was brought before members, as the county wants to try again with more support. This urges the full funding of nursing home care, ending existing discrepancies. Everyone agreed that the present system is not fair, and there was a very informed debate.

In the end, because of the sensitive nature of care, it was agreed that members would write down their own experiences anonymously, and these would be sent to county offices after the next meeting, which will be on Fabergé eggs.

The meeting closed after tea and cakes. BRENDA JACKDAW