IT will be an emotional occasion for outgoing mayor Ian Imray at the Guildhall tonight when he steps down after a memorable year.

"It's been amazing to have been the mayor of Worcester - it has to be the proudest year of my life," he said.

"It will feel weird when I wake up Wednesday morning and I am not the mayor any more - there will be a little bit of sadness, because it's been such a big part of my life for a year.

"But I have no regrets. I've given it my all and met so many wonderful people. It's something I will always be proud of doing."

Not everyone gets to be mayor - every year a new one is chosen from the controlling political party at the Guildhall.

The role is non-political, and is all about representing Worcester to the rest of the country, the nation and even the world.

It has been a packed year for Coun Imray - he raised £23,000 for his official charities the Noah's Ark Trust and Acorns Children's Hospice in the last year by hosting a range of events.

He said: "I did 590 engagements as the mayor, and there is not one I have regretted doing.

"The highlight of it was probably the abseil down the side of Debenham's in the High Street.

"It was a great experience and really good fun. It was last October, and we raised £7,700, which was more than double what we hoped for.

"I've done so much in the last year, but that has to be a highlight.

"Every engagement was worth doing, especially the ones where kids were involved. I love to see them happy and enjoying themselves.

"Sometimes you don't realise how much work it all takes. So many of the events, like the abseil, were down to teamwork. It was hard work, though. Some days I was asked to do four or five engagements, while other days there would be none.

"If I was asked to do another year, I would, even though I realise it has to come to an end at some point."

It has been quite a journey for the 64-year-old former policeman, who moved to the area in 1978 after being transferred to the West Mercia police force.

Coun Imray was born in Newcastle and served in the Army for the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers for a decade after school, before joining the police force.

After retirement, he joined the city council in 2002, culminating in a journey that saw him voted in as mayor last year.

Now the one thing he has on his mind is taking a holiday for the first time in two years by going to visit his two children, 23-year-old Phillip and 37-year-old Dale, who live in New Zealand.

Coun Imray and wife Joan are planning to fly to New Zealand this Christmas for the first time since 2004.

He said: "I was the deputy mayor last year and the mayor this, so I haven't had time for a single holiday. I did go to Gothenburg in Sweden for a few days, and then Kleve in Germany, but that was for mayoral duties.

"I'd love to go to New Zealand and see the children. You just don't have the time as mayor. But I've been lucky - being mayor of Worcester made me immensely proud."

The new mayor of Worcester will be selected at the full council meeting tonight.