WORCESTER MP Mike Foster has confirmed he will be voting for Chancellor Gordon Brown to become the next Labour leader and Prime Minister.

Mr Foster, who became an MP back in 1997 when Tony Blair swept to power, has told Worcester Labour Party Mr Brown has his support.

He will also vote for Peter Hain to become deputy leader following the resignation of John Prescott last week.

Mr Foster, a Government whip, also warned against Labour doing anything other than occupying the centre ground in politics.

He said: "The choice for Gordon for leader and Prime Minister is a no-brainer. He has been an outstanding Chancellor; joint-architect of New Labour and he is the person best positioned to take the Government forward continuing to deliver economic prosperity alongside social justice.

"I have worked closely with Peter for several years now, firstly as his Parliamentary aide and latterly as his whip.

"I have seen how he has handled very tricky negotiations to secure peace, stability and a newly elected assembly in Northern Ireland.

"What I have looked for are candidates who will continue with a progressive, modern agenda to politics whilst firmly occupying the centre ground.

"Now is not the time to lurch to political extremes. Delivering in our heartlands, as well as in the marginal seats like Worcester, must be the aim of those who lead our party."

Tony Blair revealed last week that he would step down as Labour leader and Prime Minister on Wednesday, June 27.