MORE than 30 brave adrenalin junkies leapt from a 200ft crane all in the name of charity at the weekend.

The Sebright Arms, in London Road, Worcester, hosted the bungee jump on Saturday to raise cash for Acorns Childen's Hospice.

And it seems some enjoyed it more than others.

Lian Staunton, aged 12, was the youngest to take part.

She said: "It was really good. I really enjoyed it.

"I was a bit nervous but I just thought to myself I want to do it' and jumped.

"It felt like I was free and there was nothing to stop me."

But landlord Pete Plowden-Wardlaw was not so enthusiastic. "I'd never do it again," he said. "I was terrified and ended up with a burst blood vessel in my nose and a really sore neck.

"But it's something to cross off the list and say I've done, I suppose."

A raffle raised more than £373 and it is hoped that when all the sponsorship money comes in, the event will have raised more than £1,000 for Acorns.