THERE was fun outside the Duckworth Trust Environment Centre for families during half term who created proper brooms out of hazel and birch.

Children made witches' brooms for their Halloween costumes while adults made the traditionally constructed brooms known as besoms.

Despite the grey and gloomy day, people packed out the gazebos outside the centre on Waterworks Road, Barbourne on Thursday.

Anda Phillips, Duckworth Trust's volunteer and community co-ordinator, said: "We made real besom brooms for kids to use with their costumes and even had adults turn up to make the real thing to use at home.

"We used birch brash, the feathery branches, from Gheluvelt Park, and hazel poles from Perrywood then the children could decorate them if they wanted.

"Everyone loved it and the feedback we have had on Facebook was great.

"It was a nice natural activity, it was outside even though it rained on the day.

"We made sure everyone was dressed appropriately for the weather and had great fun being outside doing natural arts and crafts."