BOGUS callers posing as water board officials have struck in Hereford but left without taking anything.

They struck at homes in Freda Pearce Close and Mayberry Avenue on Thursday, April 12, but were only reported to police at the weekend after elderly victims told their warden.

In each case the callers asked to read the meter or said a neighbour had a burst pipe. Nothing was believed to have been stolen but police are warning people to be on their guard.

It is thought that up to three people were involved and descriptions suggest they were all men, aged in their 20 or 30s, with two of them wearing white shirts and dark trousers and another wearing pale blue.

Police figures show that distraction burglaries are most likely to happen between 10am and 8pm on weekdays, with offenders pretending to be from organisations such as the water board, electricity companies, social services, and charities, particularly those dealing the with the elderly.

Anyone with information that could help the police is asked to contact PC Neil Finch at Hereford police station on 08457 444888 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.