A CELEBRATION of 1,050 years of ministry in Claines, near Worcester, will take place next month.

In 957AD Behstan, a monk and priest, was sent to establish a church at Claines and Christian worship has continued there ever since.

Parishioners will celebrate the history of St John the Baptist Church with a number of events between Frid-ay, June 22, to June 24.

There will be a flower festival on the theme of A Thousand Ages In Thy Sight for which admission is £3 for adults and £2 for concessions. On the Saturday there will be a mediaeval fair, from 4.30pm, including craft stalls, period costume, a mediaeval scarecrow competition, stocks, Morris dan-cers and a festival parade. That evening there will then be a pig roast and folk music in and around the Mug House.

The celebrations will conclude on the Sunday with a patronal festival.