THE newly elected members of Malvern Town Council will gather for their first meeting - the annual meeting of the full council - next week.

They will appoint a chairman and vice-chairman for the coming year and members to represent the council on outside groups, such as Malvern Hills Citizens Advice Bureau management committee and the Malvern District Youth Council. The town council is represented on 10 outside bodies.

The councillors will also be asked to decide who will sit on the council's committees and working parties.

The previous town council operated with five committees - audit, finance and administration, best value, operations and appraisal - and four working parties.

These were the operations review, events administration review, corporate administration review and editorial groups.

Councillors will also decide the dates and times for all their meetings for the coming year and receive an update about ongoing projects like the Great Malvern Cemetery extensions, Malvern in Bloom and improvements to facilities at Dukes Meadow recreation area.

The annual full council meeting takes place on Tuesday, May 15, at 6pm in the council chamber of the council offices in Belle Vue Terrace.