CONFUSIONS is a spot-on study of quintessential British life.

This production, starring a cast of familiar faces from the Worcestershire amateur dramatics scene, saw all five of the loosely linked one-act plays performed very well. Mother Figure was a great start to the evening and Jan Baines was clearly comfortable as the Lucy, the full-time mum who has forgotten how to interact with adults. The audience laughed out loud as nosey neighbours Rosemary and Terry, played by Moira Hilton and Bill Proctor, were reduced to acting like toddlers. Math Jones played a cringe-worthy travelling salesman in Drinking Companions. His sad,desperate drunk was really believable.

By far the strongest play was A Talk in the Park. Ayckbourn intended this witty but warm piece, in which five people sit together on park benches but end up talking to themselves, to be the final performance and it is obvious why; it really gives the actors a chance to shine.

Bill Proctor as Arthur, Jilly Gwinnutt as Beryl, Alan Humphries as Charles, Audrey Holt as Doreen and Math Jones as Ernest were all superb and suited to their roles Holt - who played the real Charley's Aunt in the recent Swan Theatre Amateur Company production - was brilliant as the dog-obessed divorcee. This production closed with the chaotic Gosforth's Fete in an attempt to end on a high. In one way it worked but I think A Talk in the Park would have left a better lasting impression. Confusions runs until Saturday, May 12.