Private E C Coleman - Third Battalion. Lieutenant R Hartley - Tenth Battalion. Private G Slights - Ninth Battalion.


Fourth Battalion Captain Kerans returns to take over command.
Third Battalion enemy advancing up the ditches at La Quinque Rue but able to bring some enfilade fire to bear on them.
Tenth Battalion heavy shelling at Le Plantin in the morning.

City Police Court. A Sad Case. Mrs Clara Sayce, Sheep Market, Worcester, was charged with being drunk in Little Angel Street and with doing wilful damage to the amount of 5s to five panes of glass in a cell at the Police Station. Mrs Sayce was to be separated from her husband and she found herself in such a state of mind because of the separation that she did not know what she was doing and was not responsible for her conduct. She expressed great regret. She was fined 10s for being drunk, 10s for doing the damage and 5s costs.

Our Wounded by Special Desire, the Doll Exhibition arranged in connection with the recent Flag Day for our Allies will be open to the public at the Guildhall on Thursday next, October 28 from 3pm- 6pm. The dolls will be sold at 6s.