KEEN photographers are already vying for a coveted spot in an annual calendar competition.

Hundreds of images have been submitted to win a place representing a month in Webbs Garden Centre's 2008 calendar, which will be sold in aid of St Richard's Hospice and Acorns Children's Hospice, both Worcester, and Primrose Hospice, Bromsgrove.

Webbs is urging more people to get snapping while there is still time to send in entries before the closing date of Friday, June 15.

After the judges have made their decision, the 12 winning entries, one for each month, will be made into the calendar, which goes on sale at the garden centre in autumn.

This is the third year running Webbs has held the photo competition.

Executive chairman Ed Webb said: "We've had a great response already to the competition but there's still time to take some wonderful shots now the beautiful weather is with us.

"Or if you have a photo you've previously taken of a garden or favourite flower which would look marvellous in print, then please enter it into the competition.

"We want to create a beautiful calendar that people will enjoy looking at and which will also benefit our three local hospices."

The 12 winning entrants will each receive Webbs Gift Vouchers worth £30 and copies of the calendar to give to friends and family.

To enter, pick up a form from Webbs or visit the website for more information.