Britain is a nation of dog lovers, and with good reason. Man's best friend provides companionship and exercise to millions of people, and thousands of Worcester residents would not be without their doggy pals.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to dog ownership - and it's evident in those little brown piles occasionally seen on the streets of our city.

Just as most people acknowledge that it's not acceptable to throw their litter in the streets, responsible dog lovers accept that people shouldn't have to put up with the by-product of their pet ownership.

Accordingly, they clean up their dog's mess wherever it's in a place where people might walk - as they are legally bound to do.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so considerate, and dog poo is one of the reasons cited by organisers for the threatened demise of the Norton-juxta-Kempsey walking bus scheme, whereby pupils are accompanied to school on foot.

Dog mess does, of course, pose a health risk to children - it has been blamed for incidences of toxocariasis, which can cause blindness.

However, it is only a danger in the unlikely event that children rub it in their eyes.

Let's not demonise dog owners for the state of our streets.

The fact is that Worcester, like many British towns and cities, is too often congested, noisy and swamped with litter, and it's no wonder that people are often reluctant to walk on them, let alone allow their children to.

However, parents should not lose faith with the walking bus.

The advantages of fewer car journeys and increased exercise outweight the danger of stepping in the odd pile of poo.