A MAN who waved a 3ft-long sword about in an Evesham pub and shouted, "I'll stick anybody in this town," has admitted affray.

Sarbjit Bassi, aged 37, also admitted possessing an offensive weapon and assaulting a police officer while making threats to kill and rape him.

Worcester Magistrates Court heard Bassi had been drinking in the Angel Vaults pub in Evesham's Castle Street on Saturday, April 28, when the landlord asked him to leave.

Bassi left but phoned a friend who brought the sword by taxi to the pub.

Douglas Marshall, prosecuting, said the weapon was a genuine cavalry sabre which Bassi took out of its scabbard before waving it around.

He then smashed the sword onto a table which cut into it and terrified four men who were sat having a quiet drink.

Mr Marshall said: "He started shouting and ranting, I'll stick anybody in this town who interferes with my life'."

The court heard that at one point Bassi also turned on his own friend.

When police arrived, he kicked one officer - giving him a dead leg - and threatened to rape him, his wife and children and also said he would find out where he lived and kill him.

Sukhdip Randhawa, defending, said Bassi, of Stratford-upon-Avon, had set up a business supplying vending machines with loans of £100,000 before getting caught having an affair.

Mr Randhawa said Bassi's family problems had led to him drinking heavily on the night in question. He had also tried cocaine for the first time having accepted the drug from a stranger.

Magistrates decided Bassi should be sentenced at Crown Court and adjourned the case until Friday, June 8. They granted Bassi bail on condition he stayed at his home address, did not go into any licensed premises in Evesham or go out from 9pm to 6am.