AT the fourth meeting in the 2007 programme, members of the monthly Greek interest club enjoyed a most original and entertaining evening. The chairman welcomed guest speakers Ralph and Wyn Braunholtz from Birmingham who had agreed to return to the club and present the second part of their well-received talk in 2006, entitled Pots, Passes And Palaces.

The theme continued the sojourn based on photographs, sketches and letters of the life and travels of Ralph's mother, May Herford, (an artist/archaeologist who spent time at the British School in Athens in the early 1920s) to Crete and parts of the mainland, especially the Peloponnese.

Together with two close British female friends, May spent eight action-packed months pursuing her enduring passion for mountains in Greece by trekking around and visiting her favourites, including Sparta, Kalavrita and the Taygetos range on the Peloponnese, together with the White Mountains of Crete.

By combing this love of walking with her great interest in archaeology May was able to visit the great mainland classical sites and digs, including Mycenae, Tiryns and Argos, as well as Knossos on Crete. During the course of the travels, May wrote a total of 25 open letters to friends and family to keep them in touch with her adventures. Following her return to England in the early summer of 1921, May was never to return to Greece.

After a short break for refreshments and the drawing of the raffle (won this month by Bob Johnson) members were shown more slides of the original letters which included pencil sketches highlighting May's experiences and recollections as an English explorer.

At the end of the evening, on behalf of the members the chairman thanked Ralph and Wyn for their highly informative talk before the presentation of a small token of appreciation. The members showed their appreciation of the excellent talk with a warm round of applause.

The next meeting of the club is Thursday, May 24 (one week earlier than normal due to half-term) at the Worcester Golf & Country Club, Bransford Road, Worcester. The club will welcome back the return of visiting speaker John Bromhead for another historical foray into the ancient sites at Delos and Delphi based on John's personal travels. Anyone wishing to come along and enjoy a sample of the Greek life will be made most welcome. Further details can be found at the club website or by contacting the chairman, David Leggott, on 01905 21886.