A LANGUAGE school in Worcestershire is hoping local companies will step in to give foreign students a helping hand.

The Principia school of Language in Pershore is searching for local firms or institutions willing to offer a four or eight-week unpaid work placement to one of a group of bilingual secretarial students from Germany.

The seven students are from the Ludwig-Erhard-Berufskolleg in Bonn and all are 20 to 21 years old.

Director of Principia Peter Corbishley said: "They are also in their second year of the course following their Abitur, or A-levels. Their English language and computer skills are quite advanced and all would be expected to play a meaningful role in office life in Worcester."

The German students will be in Worcester from Saturday, May 19, until Saturday, June 16 - but two will stay until Saturday, July 14.

All accommodation has been organised and the students have a busy cultural and social programme, including trips every weekend.

Mr Corbishley said: "Many firms have been tremendously supportive. Last year they offered placements to 40 German and Spanish students, but this year we anticipate an even greater demand, so we are hoping others will be willing to support these ventures."

So far, a number of companies have offered placements this year, including Marks & Spencer, Halcrow, Worcester Rugby Club, Randstad, Discover Travel & Tours and Worcestershire County Council.

To find out more about the Bonn students or Principia, contact Mr Corbishley on 01386 554650 or e-mail info @principia.eu.com