Encourage your agapanthus to flower:

1. Border grown agapanthus like rich, well drained soil in a warm, sunny position. Mulch and feed the plants with a general purpose fertiliser to help improve flowering.

2. Keep container-grown plants in a cool, light position over winter such as a frost-free greenhouse or cool conservatory. They don't like really wet or really dry conditions.

3. Water agapanthus well during the growing season, especially after flowering to promote more blooms for the following year.


* Lobelia which is growing well can be trimmed back a little to make it thicken out.

* Thin out hardy annuals sown in March before they become overcrowded.

* If you want better blooms in the perennial border, try thinning the number of shoots down to half a dozen per plant. Plants which will benefit include delphiniums, lupins and phlox.

* Sow leeks for a late crop between January and March.

* Ensure succession by making a sowing of second early peas.

* Fit collars around the stems of young cabbages, cauliflowers and Brussels sprouts to deter cabbage root fly.

* Continue to water new trees and shrubs when dry.

* Keep dead-heading daffodils so the strength is reserved for the bulb for next year.

* Prune shrubs such as sambucus and cotinus now to encourage colourful foliage later on in the year.


Arley Hall and Gardens, Northwich, Cheshire: Take a stroll around these award-winning gardens, which feature a blend of both old and new ideas on design and planting. For details phone 01565 777 353 or go to www.arleyhallandgardens.com