BEST OF THE BUNCH Azalea (Rhododendron) Originating from China, these stunning evergreen or deciduous shrubs with blousy blooms in shades from white to purple are generally daintier than garden rhododendrons, but can add structure as well as adding colour to a garden.

Personally, I love azaleas in pots. They thrive in ericaceous compost in partial shade in a sheltered spot and need to be kept well-watered, preferably with rain water.

They don't like drying out. Some people bring their azaleas under cover in the winter, but I find that if frost threatens, you can protect the forming buds by covering the plant with an old net curtain or some horticultural fleece, and they should provide you with a mass of blooms in late spring and early summer. Good varieties include the Kurume and Vuyk evergreen hybrids including Blue Danube, Orange Beauty and Addy Wery, which is red. They are low and spreading, producing sheets of flowers in May.

Deciduous varieties include the Mollis, Exbury and Knap Hill hybrids, including Cecile, which is pink.