A WEST Mercia policeman has been shot dead in Shrewsbury.

The constable, who has not been named, was attending what was described as a "domestic incident".

Paul West, the Chief Constable of West Mercia Constabulary, told a news conference at Shrewsbury's Guildhall that any death was a huge tragedy for all involved.

"On this occasion the death of a servicing police officer has had a profound effect on everyone who works for West Mercia Constabulary.

"While I am not yet in a position to name the officer who died because there are still members of his family who need to be notified, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the enormous dedication and bravery of all police officers who day in, day out put themselves at risk to respond to calls for assistance."

The Chief Constable said that the force area was fortunate that such incidents were extremely rare.

"This remains one of the safest places in England and Wales in which to live and work," he said.

"However, the reality is that officers never know how an incident they attend is going to develop."