CELEBRATIONS took place when a group of visitors from the German town of Kleve visited Worcester to mark the 20th anniversary of their twinning.

The visit ended in a reception at the Guildhall where presentations were made to representatives from the Kleve Twinning Association.

The reception took place in front of almost 100 people, including 12 former mayors of Worcester, including Philip Hytch, who was mayor when the agreement was signed.

Current Mayor of Worcester Councillor Ian Imray said it has benefited many people in Worcester over 20 years.

He said: "We played host to a wonderful mix of people and had a delightful time.

"Twinning creates a common bond and brings people closer together in so many ways.

"We should all be indebted to the efforts of Nevill Swanson and Les Tunley of the Worcester Twinning Association, and I looked forward to future anniversary celebrations."