DISTRICT councillor Hannah Doyle reported that the district council had set its budget resulting in a 2.99 per cent increase in council tax. She also reported that the planning application for redevelopment of Oakleigh Garage had been approved.

Planning: The Old Stables, Shoulton - Proposed single-storey extension; 13 Oakleigh Avenue, Hallow - dormer window for loft conversion; Rose Cottage, Moseley Road, Hallow - Change of use of a small strip of land to domestic garden.

The council had no comments on and no objection to these applications.

Planning DecIsion: land at Moseley Road, Hallow - outline application for development of two four-bedroom, two-storey houses and one two-bedroom bungalow with loft space for future development - refused (isolated development in area of countryside with limited access to facilities necessitating car use and contrary to sustainability policies).

Affordable Housing: a working group for an area for play was established to progress matters with representatives of the housing associations involved - Nexus and West Mercia. The clerk was instructed to arrange an appropriate site meeting.

Waste Disposal: Registration of agricultural waste exemptions: it was agreed the exemption be sought in regard to the operations carried out on Hollybank and the playing field.

Highways: Lengthsman Scheme - the clerk reported that up to £2,000 per council was available for operations of this scheme. Members debated the situation and recalled the previous fruitless attempts to appoint an operative. However the clerk indicated there might be potential to use a contractor already providing the service to another parish and it was agreed that application be made to join the scheme.

Maintenance: A complaint had been received from a disabled person's carer regarding the kerbed entrance drive to the Transco gas site on Main Road which made it difficult to use the pavement. Crazing of the surface tarmac of many of the roads in the parish was reported, especially the west side of Main Road where dangerous potholes had occurred and been filled.

Whilst not an immediate problem, it was felt the situation should be drawn to the Highway Authority's attention. Mrs Cormack reported a public-spirited resident who had been seen cutting grips on Shoulton Lane and felt he should be thanked. Councillors agreed, but were uanble to identify the gentleman concerned.

It was also reported that the pavement opposite the school was uneven to the point of being dangerous to users. The clerk was instructed to write regarding all these matters.

Traffic management: The chairman reported a complaint regarding heavy grab' vehciles using Shoulton Lane inappropriately and dangerously to access a base for storage pending disposal. The clerk was instructed to write to the relevant authorities to ascertain if the operation was appropiately licensed/approved and to draw to the Highway Authority's attention to the damage to the road and the verges of Shoulton Lane. A report was also made of the inconsiderate driving of a white tractor in the village lane. The clerk was to speak with the local police officer regarding the matter.

Hallow Playing Field Committee: Mrs Bowlcott reported that the vicar had relinquished his vacancy on the committee also that there had been a spate of petty vandalism.

Old Churchyard: Mrs Guise reported that the information board had been ordered and the grant report submitted.