SHOPPERS in Worcester will be given leaflets next week explaining how the NHS's new choose and book system works.

The system is designed to give patients more freedom to choose when and when they are treated.

On Thursday, May 3, and Friday, May 4, between 9am and 3pm, leaflets will be handed out at CrownGate shopping centre explaining how patients can choose a hospital to be treated at from a selection commissioned by their primary care trust.

A spokesman from the choose and book team in Worcestershire said: "People in Worcestershire are being offered an improved service for referral to hospital from their local doctor."

"When patients and their GP agree that a specialist opinion is required, they will be able to choose from an extended range of hospitals and agree the date and time of their appointment.

"If the patient knows where and when they would like to be seen, they may be able to book an appointment before they leave the surgery.

"Then they will be given confirmation of the place, date and time of the appointment with a specialist. Alternatively, they can take the letter away and book an appointment later."

"This new system provides greater convenience for people who need to be referred to hospital. With the old system, the hospital chose the date and time of the appointment. This may not have been convenient to the patient but now they will have the choice."